Ozone Low Temperature Denitrification

As a strong oxidant, ozone can easily oxidize NO, which is insoluble in water, into NO2, N2O3, N2O5 and other high-valent nitrogen oxides, which are soluble in water. Then Na2S and NaOH solutions are used in the scrubber tower for absorption, and finally NOX is converted to N2 to achieve the purpose of removal, and the removal rate of NOX is up to 95%. The factors affecting the use of ozone denitrification mainly include the molar ratio, reaction temperature, reaction time, the nature of the absorbing solution, ozone dosing system, etc. The Sankang Ozone Distribution System combines the above factors with the ozone distribution system.

Sankang ozone gas distribution system is designed by combining the above factors. During the design process, it is optimized by Computational Fluid Dynamics computer simulation analysis and re-improved, and upgraded the original gas distribution pipeline to ozone multi-point counter-current injection flue gas distribution system. Sankang Ozone has hundreds of ozone low-temperature denitrification systems applied in sintering machines, chain furnaces, circulating sulfurized bed boilers, glass furnaces, garbage incinerators, biomass boilers and other furnaces to meet the standards.

Ozone Low Temperature Denitrification